Sunday, September 10, 2006

Never Forget 2,996; A 9/11 Tribute

2,996 is a tribute to the victims of 9/11. I am joining in with thousands of bloggers paying tribute to each one of the victims of this tragic day in our nation's history. This day will live in infamy as Roosevelt said of Pearl Harbor. My post today will not dwell on the tragedy or pass political statements. In this post I will honor and celebrate the life of a strong and passionate woman who died this fateful day.
My honoree is Judith Camilla “Judy” Frankel Larocque. Judy was from Framingham, Mass. She was the founder and chief executive officer of Market Perspectives Inc., a Framington-based market research company catering to the technology industry. This day five years ago, she was traveling to California for business when American Airlines flight 11 was hijacked and crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. She, along with 92 others on board, were killed instantly.
Framingham was home to Judy. Although born in Boston, she grew up in Framingham where she graduated from Framingham High School. She received her sociology degree from Boston University in 1973 and went on to attend graduate school at Clark University in Worchester, Mass.
Judy was a pioneer in business. She worked for many technology firms building up experience. She was the principal of Emergent Marketing, an executive marketing consulting firm before going on to start her own venture in business. She founded and maintained the CEO position of Market Perspectives, a research firm that offers online and on-site surveys.
Judy loved to walk her beloved dog, often referred to as her third child, Naboo. She lived near Lake Cochituate and was often taking time to canoe and swim. She was also keeping healthy and young by doing yoga and gardening in her front yard. In May prior to her death she walked 60 miles for breast cancer awareness.
She is survived by two daughters, Danielle Lemack of Chicago and Carie Lemack, 26, of Cambridge, Mass.; and a sister, Diane Marshall. Her daughter Carie has kept her mother’s voice alive by becoming the co-founder and vice president of the Families of September 11th Organization. She has appeared on various news outlets and has spoken before the 9/11 commission. She was also a part of the victims’ families who spoke out during the Zacarias Moussaoui trial.
Friends and family members have given these words to describe this special lady: warm, confident, caring, intelligent and vibrant.
Rest in peace dear soul. Let us never forget the day that claimed your life and so many others. Let us carry your memory as citizens of the great country and cherish the freedoms we hold. God Bless America.


Cup said...

What a lovely tribute, EmilyRoseJewel. You brought Judy Frankel Larocque to life for me, and left me just a little sadder on this sad day. My heart goes out to her family and friends.

My tribute to Dinah Webster is now on my blog.

Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful tribute to Judy. I can only imagine the terror she & the others on that flight felt & my heart aches for them & their families.

I was also a participant & honored Allan Shwartzstein.