Wednesday, October 29, 2014

On Empty

I'm on a roll, two late nights in a row! Who am I kidding though, I am up late every night! Okay, too much rhyming!

Anyway, My mind is pretty blank as far as deep thoughts go. Feeling a little empty. I am glad to know the one who can fill me up!

After getting back from taking Justice to the after hours urgent care to check on a fever and mouth sores, which turned out to not be serious, but was able to get some mouth cream, I am wiped. On top of that I had a busy day walking life's path with my kids as usual. My goal really is to not take in my stress, not sweating the small things, getting enough rest (which may include a nap tomorrow), basically I need to take care of myself. I need to fill my tank so I can take care of my children and husband. I need to breathe in the Lord and His truth into my life! I am empty, but I know what I need to do to be filled!

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